Red Robin is a popular American restaurant chain known for its mouthwatering gourmet burgers, bottomless steak fries, and a vibrant, family-friendly atmosphere. With numerous locations across the country, it’s no wonder that people have questions about this beloved restaurant.
What is Red Robin’s history?
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews was founded in 1969 in Seattle, Washington. The original restaurant was named “Sam’s Tavern” before it was renamed “Red Robin” two years later. Over the years, Red Robin has expanded its menu, offering a wide range of burgers, sandwiches, salads, and other delectable dishes.
What makes Red Robin’s burgers unique?
Red Robin takes pride in its gourmet burgers made with high-quality ingredients. Their burgers are made from fresh, never-frozen, USDA-inspected beef. They offer a variety of creative toppings, including cheese, bacon, mushrooms, avocado, and more. Additionally, Red Robin offers veggie burgers, turkey burgers, and even plant-based protein options.
Does Red Robin have options for people with dietary restrictions?
Yes, Red Robin offers menu options for people with dietary restrictions. They have gluten-free buns available for their burgers, and you can request modifications to cater to your specific needs. The menu also includes vegetarian and vegan options, such as the Impossible Burger and a selection of salads.
What is Red Robin’s “Bottomless Steak Fries”?
Red Robin is famous for its Bottomless Steak Fries. When you order a burger or an entree, it comes with an endless supply of crispy, seasoned fries. You can keep asking for more fries as long as you’re still hungry. It’s a great value and perfect for fry lovers!
Does Red Robin offer a loyalty program?
Yes, Red Robin has a loyalty program called “Red Robin Royalty.” It’s free to join, and members can enjoy various benefits, including a free burger during their birthday month, rewards for their purchases, exclusive offers, and more. You can sign up on Red Robin’s website or through their mobile app.
Are there any special deals or promotions available at Red Robin?
Red Robin frequently offers promotions and special deals. You can check their website, sign up for their newsletter, or follow them on social media to stay updated on the latest offers. They often have limited-time menu items, happy hour deals, and discounts for certain groups, such as military personnel or seniors.
Does Red Robin offer catering services?
Yes, Red Robin provides catering services for special events, parties, and gatherings. Their catering menu includes a selection of burgers, appetizers, salads, and desserts. You can contact your local Red Robin restaurant or visit their website for more information on catering options and pricing.
Red Robbin Bestsellers
Red Robin Gourmet Cheeseburger
An all-time favorite, the Red Robin Gourmet Cheeseburger is a classic delight featuring cheese, bacon, and tangy BBQ sauce. Prepared to perfection, this burger incorporates fresh ingredients and a toasted bun, offering a mouthwatering experience.
Royal Red Robin Burger
The Royal Red Robin Burger is a hearty choice, topped with a perfectly cooked egg, American cheese, tomatoes, and savory hardwood-smoked bacon. This substantial burger is ideal for those seeking a fulfilling and flavorsome option.
Towering Onion Rings
Red Robin takes onion rings to new heights with their Towering Onion Rings appetizer. With 13 crispy and melt-in-your-mouth rings, this dish pairs perfectly with the campfire mayo or ranch dressing for a savory snacking experience.
Whiskey River BBQ Chicken
The Whiskey River BBQ Chicken sandwich is a must-try for barbecue lovers. Tender chicken, combined with a tangy BBQ sauce, lettuce, fresh tomato, and crispy onions, creates a delectable blend of flavors. Served on a toasted seeded bun, it’s a sandwich that never disappoints.
Banzai Burger
The Banzai Burger presents a delightful fusion of sweet and savory. A juicy teriyaki-glazed meat patty is topped with generous slices of sweet pineapple, fresh lettuce, tomato, and mayo, all embraced by a toasted seeded bun.
Bleu Ribbon Burger
For a flavor explosion, indulge in the Bleu Ribbon Burger. Crumbled blue cheese, tangy steak sauce, zesty chipotle mayo, and crispy onion straws combine harmoniously to create a burger that satisfies even the most discerning palates.
Clucks & Fries
Craving chicken? Clucks & Fries is the answer. Enjoy crispy golden chicken breast tenders accompanied by bottomless steak fries. This dish is perfect for dipping into ranch dressing or relishing on its own.
Cowboy Ranch Tavern Burger
The Cowboy Ranch Tavern Burger combines the flavors of crispy onion straws, American cheese, lettuce, ranch dressing, and Red Robin’s famous Whiskey River BBQ sauce. This burger offers a satisfying blend of textures and tastes, complemented by the tanginess of ranch dressing.
Creamy Artichoke & Spinach Dip
Red Robin’s Creamy Artichoke & Spinach Dip takes the classic appetizer to a new level by adding smoky bacon to the mix. This flavorful dip pairs perfectly with chips or veggies and is an ideal starter for sharing.
Mountain High Mudd Pie
If you’re looking for a decadent dessert, the Mountain High Mudd Pie is a showstopper. Indulge in a moist chocolate cake tart layered with vanilla ice cream, Oreo cookies, fudge, caramel, and whipped cream. This dessert is perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.
Southwest Salad
For a refreshing and wholesome option, try the Southwest Salad. Packed with avocado, beans, grilled chicken, jalapenos, mixed greens, and topped with salsa-ranch dressing, this salad offers a satisfying balance of flavors and textures.
The Southern Charm Burger
Experience the unique combination of candied bacon barbecue sauce, cheddar cheese, onion, and brown sugar glaze with The Southern Charm Burger. This burger strikes a perfect balance between sweet and savory, providing a delightful taste experience.
Bacon Cheeseburger
Sometimes, simplicity reigns supreme. The Bacon Cheeseburger offers a classic twist on the American favorite, featuring perfectly crisp bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. It’s a timeless choice that never disappoints.
Bottomless House Salad
For a lighter option, the Bottomless House Salad provides a fresh assortment of cucumbers, tomatoes, croutons, and shredded cheddar cheese. You can enjoy unlimited refills, making it an ideal accompaniment to any meal.
Garlic Herbed Fries
Garlic lovers rejoice! Red Robin’s Garlic Herbed Fries are a savory delight, tossed with garlic parmesan butter and shredded parmesan cheese. These fries are a flavorful addition to any order or a delightful snack on their own.
Alternatives to Red Robbin
TGI Fridays is a popular casual dining chain known for its vibrant atmosphere and diverse menu. While they offer a range of dishes beyond burgers, their burger selection is noteworthy. From classic options like the All-American Cheeseburger to unique creations like the Beyond Meat Burger, TGI Fridays caters to different tastes. They also offer a variety of appetizers, salads, sandwiches, and signature cocktails to complete the dining experience.
Ruby Tuesday is a casual dining restaurant known for its fresh ingredients and diverse menu. They offer a selection of burgers, including the Classic Cheeseburger and Triple Prime Burger, as well as options for customization. In addition to burgers, Ruby Tuesday serves steaks, seafood, pasta, and a variety of appetizers and sides.
Applebee’s is a family-friendly restaurant chain that offers a wide selection of dishes, including burgers. They have options like the Classic Cheeseburger and Whiskey Bacon Burger, along with various toppings and sauces to personalize your meal. Applebee’s also serves a range of appetizers, salads, steaks, and seafood dishes.
Chili’s is another popular chain that combines American classics with Tex-Mex flavors. Their menu features a variety of burgers, such as the Classic Bacon Burger and Guacamole Burger, which are complemented by their famous bottomless fries. Chili’s also offers an array of appetizers, fajitas, salads, and desserts.
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