Raising Cane’s Prices: How much is Raising Cane’s?
Chicken tenders, or chicken fingers, are to chickens what tenderloins are to beef and pork. These are the little strips of meat attached to the underside of each chicken’s breast, said strips of which measure about 1.5” wide and 5” long. These look like fat fingers when removed from the chicken, thus, the name. Raising Cane’s prices at first seem like they’re high, but considering the size of their combos, we think it’s a good value. Here are the latest Raising Cane’s menu prices.
Item | Price | |||
Featured Items | ||||
The Hard Hat | $105.44 | |||
The Sockeye | $155.90 | |||
The Disco Ball | $197.26 | |||
Mains | ||||
Lemonade (Jug) | $10.84 | |||
Most OrderedThe most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store | ||||
50 Fingers | $70.04 | |||
The Box Combo | $10.65 | |||
The 3 Finger Combo | $9.08 | |||
Freshly Squeezed Lemonade | $1.34 | |||
25 Fingers | $38.17 | |||
The Caniac Combo | $15.45 | |||
Tea | $1.27 | |||
The Sandwich Combo | $9.48 | |||
The Kids Combo | $6.21 | |||
Sandwich Only | $6.90 | |||
25 Finger Tailgate | $41.24 | |||
Sandwich | $7.73 | |||
Jug Unsweet Tea | $6.43 | |||
50 Finger Tailgate | $79.20 | |||
TailgatesFeeding the whole Crew? We've got you covered. Ordering ahead is always appreciated. | ||||
75 Finger Tailgate | $117.32 | |||
100 Fingers | $128.60 | |||
75 Fingers | $103.16 | |||
100 Finger Tailgate | $142.50 | |||
200 Finger Tailgate | $284.54 | |||
300 Finger Tailgate | $421.64 | |||
Extras | ||||
Chicken Finger | $1.74 | |||
Cane's Sauce | $0.44 | |||
Crinkle-Cut Fries | $2.28 | |||
Texas Toast | $1.29 | |||
Coleslaw | $1.27 | |||
Honey Mustard | $0.63 | |||
DrinksServed over our signature Cane's crushed ice. | ||||
Fountain Drink | $2.02 | |||
Lemonade | $2.17 | |||
Fountain Drinks | $1.33 | |||
Sweet Tea | $1.99 | |||
The Jug - Sweet Tea | $6.36 | |||
Unsweet Tea | $2.01 | |||
Half Unsweet Tea and Half Sweet Tea | $2.17 | |||
Half Tea / Half Lemonade | $2.62 | |||
Half Unsweet Tea / Half Sweet Tea | $2.36 | |||
Half Tea and Half Lemonade | $2.35 | |||
Kids' Drink | $1.22 | |||
Bottled Water | $2.32 |

About Raising Cane’s
And when it comes to crispy, crunchy and savory chicken fingers, Raising Cane’s is the go-to place for millions of Americans! Here, you can get your fill and more of great chicken fingers that will make you reach for just one more and another until nothing’s left on your plate.
Todd Graves and Craig Silvey founded Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on August 26, 1996. Known simply as Cane’s, the chain consists of more than 400 restaurants in the United States and numerous locations in the Middle East. Its corporate headquarters are in Baton Rouge, Louisiana while its support centers are in Plano, Texas and North Platte, Nebraska.
What They’re Famous For
Raising Cane’s is a unique chain of fast casual restaurants in that its main focus is on chicken fingers. Indeed, such is its single-minded focus on chicken tenders that its menu is among the simplest we have seen among chains of its size!
Why Eat Here
If you’re the type who dislike complicated menus, then you will like the Raising Cane’s menu! You will find it so easy to understand since nearly every meal consists of chicken fingers, crinkle-cut fries, and coleslaw as well as toast and Cane’s signature sauce. The main difference between the meals is the number of chicken fingers in each one.
The limited menu has four of these meals, namely, The Box Combo, the 3-Finger Combo, The Caniac Combo, and The Sandwich Combo. These meals have between two and six chicken fingers but don’t be fooled by the term “fingers” – you will be full after eating just four of these chicken fingers even if you’re a large person. The combination of the large chicken fingers plus the sides means that a meal can be shared by two persons, albeit possibly ones with smaller appetites.
There’s also a Kids’ Meal, which feature the same items as the combo meals but in a smaller amount. The chain offers large combos, too, known as Tailgates that can be enjoyed by large groups. These combos are available in quantities ranging from 25 pieces to 100 pieces of chicken fingers; these come with the signature Cane’s sauce that complements the chicken fingers so well.
But if you want chicken fingers served in another manner, you can choose from the sandwiches. Each sandwich is essentially a large chicken finger placed on a toasted Kaiser roll and served with shredded lettuce.
With such a simple menu, the pressure on chicken fingers to be as good as the company touts them to be is, well, great. Just how do Cane’s chicken tenders taste that there are no burgers, hotdogs and the like on its menu?
Well, we have to say that Cane’s chicken fingers are among the best we have tasted so far! There are obvious signs of the care with which the Cane’s management made them, from the crispy skin to the flavorful meat and its signature sauce.
According to Cane’s management, only fresh (i.e., never frozen) chicken tenderloins are used in its chicken fingers. These chicken parts are then marinated in a special process and fried in canola oil. The result: Chicken fingers that not even your grandmother can rival!
But Cane’s doesn’t stop with its chicken fingers. The crinkle-cut fried are made only from Grade A potatoes and fried in canola oil before being lightly salted before serving. The Texas toast isn’t your usual pre-sliced toast but from a pull-apart bread with the nuttiness of sesame seeds – and it has a rich, buttery taste to it that makes you forget about carb and fat loading.
The coleslaw may look like your ordinary coleslaw but it’s always made fresh daily; its main ingredients, such as carrots, red and green cabbage, and special coleslaw dressing, are always cut and mixed fresh daily. The signature Cane’s Sauce has a savory flavor that brings out the meatiness of the chicken breasts; customers can also request for the Louisiana hot sauce or the honey mustard, free of charge.
As for the beverages, Cane’s serves freshly-made sweetened and unsweetened iced tea, lemonade, and Coke soda. We love that their iced tea and lemonade are made from real tea leaves and hand-cut lemons instead of powdered mixes, and it’s evident in every refreshing sip or gulp.
The casual atmosphere means that Raising Cane’s is a hangout place for many young people as well as a dining place for singles, couples and families. The minimalist décor puts the emphasis on the food and drinks while its well-maintained facilities, such as the washroom, are evidence of the staff members’ dedication to hygiene.
To learn more about Raising Cane’s or to find a location near you, visit their website at www.raisingcanes.com.
Raising Cane’s Social Media
- Raising Cane’s Facebook
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Raising Cane’s FAQ
How much is Raising Cane's Chicken Finger?
Chicken Finger – $1.27
How much is a The Sandwich Combo at Raising Cane's?
The Sandwich Combo – $6.85
How much are 50 Finger Tailgate at Raising Cane's?
50 Finger Tailgate – $60.11
How much does a Raising Cane's 25 Finger Tailgate Cost?
25 Finger Tailgate – $5.56
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